That’s right! On this website, you can exclusively read a FREE Fantasy book online.
Hi! My name is Jason L. Lee, and I am the author of an exciting new Fantasy book series called “Chronicles of Qynn”. Welcome to my website, where you can find my books, and read online for free.
Every month, I will be posting a new chapter. The good news is that you won’t have to wait a full month to check out my new content, however. Because each chapter is broken down into scenes. One new scene will be published each week to 10 days. So if you log on regularly, there will always be fresh content for you!
So right now, I can hear you have a few questions. I mean, how can someone allow you to read a free fantasy book online? There HAS to be a catch!
Well, I am here to tell you that there is no catch. Basically, I got sick of submitting books to publishers. I got tired of posting books to Amazon, and having to fight tooth and nail to get someone to actually review my book for me. I just wanted to write, and have someone be able to read my story.
That is how this website was born.
I already have another website. A site where I write about my travel. Basically, my side job was as a travel blogger. That is now my major gig. I still write my books, but seeing as they are no longer my main source of income, I am able to do this. Post them on THIS website, for you to read free Fantasy books online.
Pretty cool hey?
You will be charged absolutely nothing to read these books. All that I ask is that, if you like them, or dislike them, leave me a comment every now and then. If you are loving the story, or characters, then let me know.
Ok. That’s all for now.
I hope you enjoy my books. This site is a work in progress, but you can begin reading my very first book NOW, by simply clicking on the “books” tab on the main menu.